California Compliant XCRs
You can now purchase California Compliant XCRs directly from our website. These rifles are of the Featureless variety. They are built as follows
- A grip that does not hang below the trigger is used. Note: Shown is the AIM Sports Grip. We can also use any one of the approved Featureless grips.
- The Stock is bolted together so that it cannot fold or collapse. Note: It can be disassembled and reassembled so that it folds and collapses with a set of Allen wrenches.
- A muzzle brake is used instead of a flash hider.
- The overall length is at least 30″
- A 10 round mag is shipped with the rifle.
This configuration may also be compliant in Massachusetts
In New Jersey, we pin and weld the muzzle brake to the barrel, make the stock so it won’t fold or collapse, and use a 10 round magazines.
We may be able to make the XCR compliant in other states. Do not hesitate to contact us [email protected]